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Courage to Change:

I had problems making decisions because my standards were impossible to achieve. I wanted to make decisions that would get me exactly what I wanted, or I didn’t want to make them at all. I learned in Al-Anon that no one can know in advance all the consequences of any decision. We can only take the information at hand and do our best in choosing thoughtfully.

I don’t have to make decisions alone. I can turn to God and ask for help. Over time I have come to realize that this help takes many different forms — a meeting topic that offered perspective, a tug at my stomach, a “coincidence.” And sometimes God speaks through others. When members share their experience, strength, and hope, I listen carefully to how they handled similar situations.
In the grand scheme of things, no single decision is ever really that important. I can do my best to make decisions wisely, but the results are in the hands of a Higher Power.

Today’s Reminder:

With the help of a Higher Power, decision-making can be one of life’s great adventures. Each crossroad brings a new challenge, and I am capable of dealing with whatever comes my way.

“When I used to make specific requests [of God], I was so busy waiting for them to be granted that I didn’t realize the answers were staring me in the face.”
– As We Understood…

From the book “Courage to Change”. Copyright Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 1992