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Courage to Change:

Many of us resisted coming to Al-Anon because we didn’t want anyone to know about our problems. We feared that our boss or our friends would find out, or that it would get back to the alcoholic.
These fears accompanied me to my first Al-Anon meeting. To my horror, just as I sat down one of my neighbors walked into the room and sat down across from me. What could I do now? Run?

In the midst of my panic, I noticed a sign on the table that said, “Whom you see here, what you hear here, when you leave here, let it stay here.” And on the wall I saw a banner with the Traditions, one of which said that anonymity is Al-Anon’s spiritual foundation! I stayed for the meeting, but I still worried.

My neighbor never said a word to anyone. In time I began to trust that it was safe to get the help I so desperately needed, because the only one who would ever mention my membership in Al-Anon was me. To this day, I am confident that my anonymity was and always will be protected, and my gratitude is beyond measure.

Today’s Reminder:

Unless I protect the anonymity of all members, Al-Anon will not be a safe place for any of us.

“Our free expression—so important to our recovery—rests on our sense of security, knowing that what we share at our meetings will be held in strict confidence.” – Al-Anon Spoken Here

From the book “Courage to Change”. Copyright Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 1992