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Courage to Change:

I had spent a lot of time yearning for things I wasn’t getting from the alcoholic in my life. As a part of my Al-Anon recovery, I was encouraged to put those needs on paper. Courtesy, respect, attention, affection, communication—my list of the areas in which I felt my loved one had let me down went on and on.

My Sponsor applauded my honesty and then suggested that I could bring all the things on my list into my life. The catch: I had to give what I wanted to receive and become what I wanted to attract. Did I present a shining example of courtesy and all the rest? If not, I had a wonderful list of goals already on paper.

I have often heard that we get back what we give, and now I know that it’s true. As I grew kinder and more loving, other people responded to the change. I also felt much better about myself. Today I can honestly say that all the qualities on my list exist in my life at least some of the time. I hadn’t expected these results—or any oth- ers, for that matter. I was too busy focusing on myself. I think that’s why it worked.

Today’s Reminder:

Today I can take an active role in fulfilling my needs. I can choose to become someone I would want to have in my life.

“Many of us find that as we practice treating others fairly, with love and respect, we ourselves become magnets for love and respect.” – In All Our Affairs

From the book “Courage to Change”. Copyright Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 1992