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Courage to Change:

Worry and fear can alter our perceptions until we lose all sense of reality, twisting neutral situations into nightmares. Because most worry focuses on the future, if we can learn to stay in the present, living one day or one moment at a time, we take positive steps toward warding off the effects of fear.

In the past, many of us tried to anticipate all possible disastrous outcomes so that we would be prepared to protect ourselves. But today, our program, our fellowship, and a Higher Power allow us to view this self-protectiveness more objectively. When we anticipate doom, we lose touch with what is happening now and see the world as a threatening place against which we must be on constant alert.

Most of our fears will never come to pass, and if they do, foreknowledge probably won’t make us any better prepared. But as we grow in faith, self-esteem, and trust in our Higher Power, we become capable of doing for ourselves what our anticipations could never achieve—taking appropriate action in any situation.

Today’s Reminder:

Today I will recognize that worries can be potent and mind-altering. I choose not to indulge in them at all.

“I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship.” – Louisa May Alcott

From the book “Courage to Change”. Copyright Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 1992