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Courage to Change:

Every day I pray for knowledge of God’s will and the power to carry it out (Step Eleven). Then I try to trust that my prayer has been heard and will be answered. In other words, I trust that at some point in my day I will do God’s will.

To me, doing God’s will doesn’t mean that I perform heroic acts on a daily basis; it means that, at any given time, smelling a rose or emptying waste baskets or washing the car may be exactly what is needed.

I have a Higher Power that loves me as I am. When I learn to love myself as my Higher Power loves me, I believe I am doing God’s will.

Today’s Reminder:

What loving action can I take today? Maybe I will make some time for nothing more practical than simple pleasure — a movie, a good book, or a breath of fresh air. Or perhaps I’ll deal with paperwork that I’ve been avoiding. I could make a commitment to eat well and get the rest I need, or make amends for something that’s been on my mind. A simple gesture can be the beginning of a lifelong habit of self-love.

“God alone knows the secret plan,
Of the things he will do for the world,
Using my hand.”
– Toyohiko Kagawa

From the book “Courage to Change”. Copyright Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 1992