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AA Thought for the Day:

The prodigal son “took his journey into a far country and wasted his substance with riotous living.” That’s what we alcoholics do. We waste our substance with riotous living. “When he came to himself, he said: ‘I will arise and go to my father.’” That’s what you do in AA. You come to yourself. Your alcoholic self is not your real self. Your sane, sober, respectable self is your real self. That’s why we alcoholics are so happy in AA. Have I come to myself?

Meditation for the Day:

Simplicity is the keynote of a good life. Choose the simple things always. Life can become complicated if you let it be so. You can be swamped by difficulties if you let them take up too much of your time. Every difficulty can be either solved or ignored and something better substituted for it. Love the humble things of life. Revere the simple things. Your standard must never be the world’s standard of wealth and power.

Prayer for the Day:

I pray that I may love the simple things of life. I pray that I may keep my life uncomplicated and free.

From “The Little Black Book – Twenty-Four Hours a Day”. Copyright 1975 by Hazelden Foundation.