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Courage to Change:

Today I have a chance to make a contribution to my sense of well-being. I can take some small action that will strengthen a relationship, pursue a goal, or help me to feel better about myself. I don’t expect to dramatically alter my life. My goal is simply to move in a positive direction, knowing that major strides often begin with very small steps.

Perhaps I will ask someone to become my Sponsor, reach out to a newcomer, or try a different Al-Anon meeting. I might get some exercise, make an appointment for a check-up, listen to music, or clean a closet. I could write a letter to a friend l’ve neglected or spend some time alone enjoying a few minutes of peace and quiet.
Perhaps I’ll do something I’m afraid to do, just for the exercise. I might pick up groceries for a sick friend, fix a wobbling table, read a book to stimulate my mind. Maybe I’ll meditate on one of the Twelve Steps or share my experience, strength, and hope with someone who wants to hear it.

Today’s Reminder:

There are so many ways in which I can improve the quality of my life. Instead of fretting about what I can’t have or can’t do, I’ll take action to create something positive in my life today.

“To improve the golden moment of opportunity, and catch the good that is within our reach, is the great art of life.”
– Samuel Johnson

From the book “Courage to Change”. Copyright Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 1992