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One Day at a Time in Al-Anon:

I can take strength and comfort from knowing I belong to the Al-Anon fellowship, with its worldwide membership all working together for the same purpose. Our little group is but one of thousands.

What holds us together, our many different nationalities and faiths? There are no rules and regulations, no management control, nobody to say “you must do this” or “you may not do that.” There is, however, government by principle, as stated in the Twelve Traditions, which each member, and each group accepts.

Each of us in his own way works for the good of the others. What binds us together is a common problem to be solved by understanding and mutual service. Al-Anon runs-like the little wheel in the old song – by the grace of God.

Today’s Reminder:

I belong to Al-Anon. It is an important part of my life because it unites me, in thought and action, to people all over the world who share my desire to fill life with meaning and purpose. I do not know them, but they are my friends, and I am theirs. The more each of us lives by Al-Anon’s spiritual principles, the more we help each other, no matter how great a distance may separate us.

“I thank God for helping me to find Al-Anon which is showing me the way to a new life.”

From the book “One Day at a Time in Al-Anon”. © Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 1973