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One Day at a Time in Al-Anon:

One thing about Al-Anon that hardly anyone ever mentions — or even realizes — is that it makes life so much easier for us. When we’re told the advantages of studying the Twelve Steps, reading the literature, attending meetings, we may think: “They’re always giving me something to do!” But all the things suggested in Al-Anon are for our benefit — precisely to make life more pleasant and livable. Are we trapped in problems? Al-Anon points the way to solutions. Our fellow members even lead us by the hand and show us how they applied to themselves the wonderful, relieving ideas we are learning.

Today’s Reminder:

The effects of the Al-Anon program are revealed to me as a series of little miracles, as each day lifts another burden because I am changing my way of thinking about it.

I will follow this program as though my life depended on it, as indeed it does, if by life I mean real living — joyous and comfortable.

From the book “One Day at a Time in Al-Anon”. © Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 1973