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One Day at a Time in Al-Anon:

The Al-Anon slogans are little pieces of advice. If we were entirely capable of putting them all into practice, we’d be pretty close to perfection as spiritual human beings.

Take this one, for instance: Live and let live. A whole philosophy of life is condensed into these four words. First we are admonished to live — to live fully, richly, happily, and to fulfill our destiny with the joy that comes from doing well whatever we do. Then comes a more difficult admonition: Let live. This means acknowledging the right of every other human being to live as he wants to, without criticism or judgment from us. It rules out contempt for those who do not think as we do. It warns against resentment; tells us to avoid construing other people’s actions as intentional injuries to us.

Today’s Reminder:

The more I think about living, and letting others live, the more I will learn from it. I will try to make it my yardstick in everything I do, and especially in relating to the people in my life.

“When my thoughts are centered on learning to live, I will be less tempted to involve my mind with the thoughts of how others live.”

From the book “One Day at a Time in Al-Anon”. © Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 1973