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One Day at a Time in Al-Anon:

Sometimes I find myself so busy wondering what someone else is doing, and where and why, that my own thoughts create turmoil inside me. When this happens, I know I’m a candidate for a new, honest, self-appraisal. If I allow myself to evade this self-confrontation, l’II be a candidate for a rude awakening!

I must not forget that my first obligation is to work out changes in my own thinking patterns. My progress toward becoming a worthwhile human being depends on making these changes, and so does the improvement I long for in the circumstances of my life.

Today’s Reminder:

I can change nothing but myself. Do I need changing? If things are going wrong — or seem to be — maybe it’s because of the way I’m reacting to them. If I accept the fact that the principal source of my unhappiness is in me, I’ll be giving myself a good reason to do something about me. It isn’t easy — but the rewards are beyond reckoning!

“My happiness cannot possibly depend on my forcing changes in somebody else. Nor does my misery come from anyone but myself.”

From the book “One Day at a Time in Al-Anon”. © Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 1973