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Courage to Change:

I received a powerful lesson about letting go one night at an Al-Anon business meeting. It took lots of courage for me to suggest that my home group include the entire Serenity Prayer as part of the meeting opening. Another member suggested that we read the Traditions more regularly.

The group conscience approved the motion about the Traditions, while my pet project, the Serenity Prayer, was shot down. I sat there feeling swollen with offended pride, but something I had learned in Al-Anon kept pounding in my head: “…to place principles above personalities.” Suddenly it didn’t matter that my suggestion had been defeated. We were all together in fellowship, and that was all that mattered.

Within the safety of my Al-Anon group I learn to let go of needing to have my way. With practice, I am able to apply this lesson to all of my relationships.

Today’s Reminder:

It is important to express my ideas. It is also important to accept the outcome. I can acknowledge myself for taking the risk to speak out, knowing that the results of my actions are out of my hands. Today I choose to trust those results to my Higher Power.

“Your proper concern is alone the action of duty, not the fruits of the action. Cast then away all desire and fear for the fruits, and perform your duty.” – The Bhagavad Gita

From the book “Courage to Change”. Copyright Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 1992