One Day at a Time in Al-Anon:
“It’s all very well to tell us to detach our minds from the problems we’re living with, but how do you do it?” asks an Al-Anon member. “It isn’t easy when we’re embroiled in all kinds of trouble day after day, with one decision after another to make, and only a confused mind to make them with!”
There must be some small bit of time during the day when we can lift our thoughts out of the swamp of confusion, if only to express a few words and think of their meaning: Let go and Let God; Live and let live; Easy does it.
Today’s Reminder:
I know that constant dwelling on my troubles lessens my ability to see them clearly and make wise decisions. I will not complicate the present by reviewing the past; nor will I dread what may happen tomorrow. One way to make detachment easier is to eliminate the past and future from my thoughts.
“He who frees himself of hampering regrets for the past and worry about what lies ahead finds himself able to deal with the present.”