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One Day at a Time in Al-Anon:

Life with the Al-Anon program, to which we turn when we are deep in trouble, may ultimately confront us with a special challenge.

At first we may come as doubters: “How can my terrible problem be solved by joining a group?” Then come the revelations. We learn how to live and find serenity in the midst of alcoholic turmoil. We see ourselves growing, understanding, helping.

But once the major problem is eliminated by the alcoholic’s joining AA, we may feel we’re old-timers at this Al-Anon business; we think we “have it made.” We skip meetings; have no time to comfort troubled newcomers, forget about reading Al-Anon books.

Then comes the challenge of continued problems, and we realize how much we still need Al-Anon to keep ourselves able to meet them.

Today’s Reminder:

I don’t resort to Al-Anon only to learn to live with the active drinking problem. It is my way of life, an increasingly rich and rewarding life, as I learn to use the program in depth.

“AA brings the drinker to sobriety in order to fit him to absorb the deeper meanings of the program. Al-Anon changes our thinking for the same purpose.”

From the book “One Day at a Time in Al-Anon”. © Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 1973