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One Day at a Time in Al-Anon:

When an alcoholic finally reaches bottom, and begins the long climb upward through AA, this is the beginning of growth in personal and spiritual maturity.

If we grant, as surely we must, that both partners in an alcoholic marriage are or have become neurotic, we non-alcoholics, too, need the help of a growth program.

If A, then, takes steps to get well and face life as a responsible adult, how can B keep pace without the self-understanding that eventually comes to us in Al-Anon? This is the practical logic of the words of our Suggested Welcome: “Working in unity for a common purpose does more than strengthen both partners individually. It draws them together.”

Today’s Reminder:

If the AA member recognizes that sobriety is only the beginning of his growth, the spouse, too, needs continuing help in adjusting to the new problems of their joint relationship. Al-Anon shows us how to meet that responsibility with dignity, grace and love.

“…that our loves and comforts should increase even as our days do grow.”

From the book “One Day at a Time in Al-Anon”. © Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 1973