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One Day at a Time in Al-Anon:

One source of frustration we seldom recognize is in expecting too much of others, or expecting too specifically what we feel they ought to be, say, give or do.

If I expect another person to react in a certain way to a given situation, and he or she fails to meet my expectation, have I the tight to be disappointed or angry?

Every human being has his own individual drives and motivations, beyond my understanding and control. I may say: “But he knew what I expected,” not realizing that it may have been precisely for this reason that he rebelled and acted otherwise.

My search for peace of mind will bear fruit much more readily if I stop expecting and relax into acceptance.

Today’s Reminder:

I will not set a pattern based on my own experience and wishes — and expect someone else to live up to it. This is interference of a subtle and damaging kind; it damages my peace of mind and dignity, and those I am smothering with my expectations.

“I, too, often fail to live up to the expectations of others.”

From the book “One Day at a Time in Al-Anon”. © Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 1973