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One Day at a Time in Al-Anon:

What we get from our association with Al-Anon depends pretty much on what we put into it. Certainly the Al-Anon program can help me rid myself of my despairs and frustrations, but the major effort of listening, observing and concentrating must be mine. Al-Anon points the way, but we must take the road. Al-Anon provides the tools, but we must use them.

Today’s Reminder:

If I apply myself to the Al-Anon program, do some reading from an Al-Anon book every day, regard my meetings as too important to be missed, and I apply what I am learning, I’m on the road. Along the way I can help others to work out their problems, and so gain further help from my willingness to share what I am getting from Al-Anon.

I want to be constantly aware of my role as a member of this fellowship, consciously experience the comforting interchange this membership makes possible. It is as though I had found a secure island, inhabited by loving and interested friends.

“The reason I make so much of being an Al-Anon member is that Al-Anon has been the means of making a better person of me.”

From the book “One Day at a Time in Al-Anon”. © Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 1973