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One Day at a Time in Al-Anon:

We hear it said that Al-Anon members do not give each other advice. This refers specifically to the kind of advice that suggests taking drastic action to bring about a radical change in a marriage relationship. This we do not — and must not — do.

In other ways, we in Al-Anon give a great deal of advice. We suggest looking into ourselves for the causes of our problems; we advise dependence on God’s guidance. We recommend lots of Al-Anon reading, the study of the Twelve Steps and the Slogans. We suggest spiritual ways to find a new perspective and new strength, and share our personal experience in applying them.

Today’s Reminder:

When I am greatly troubled by an insoluble problem, I will gladly accept the advice of my fellow members that I concentrate on a Slogan or a Step in finding a solution. I know that constructive action can be taken only after I have lifted my thoughts and emotions out of their confused state.

“Using the Slogans and the Twelve Steps will strengthen me to make wise decisions.”

From the book “One Day at a Time in Al-Anon”. © Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 1973