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One Day at a Time in Al-Anon:

The husband of an alcoholic from an Al-Anon group in France, writes to the World Service Office: “I recall our blackboard at school, the writing was often hard to read because the board had been wiped with a cloth that was loaded with chalk-dust. Then we would wipe it with a wet sponge and the board would be clean and black, so we could read clearly what was written on it.

“Is it not the same with the anxieties that trouble me? If I wish to erase them from my mind, I must not use a cloth full of dusty thoughts, but ‘pass the sponge over it’ so that no trace of what was written before can jumble up the fresh inspiration — the ideas I want to see and live with.”

Today’s Reminder:

From every corner of the world people in Al-Anon reach out to each other with helpful thoughts. How vividly this young Parisian husband shows us the need to erase our useless anxieties from our minds and hearts!

“I pray that I may start each new day with a clean blackboard and write upon it only what is good for me.”

From the book “One Day at a Time in Al-Anon”. © Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 1973