One Day at a Time in Al-Anon:
There are 168 hours in each week. Those who come to Al-Anon for help have many of those hours filled with disturbing and even painful experience: uncertainty, unfilled needs and even violence. There are ways to overcome much of this distress, and Al-Anon offers us one way.
Isn’t it worth one little hour out of 168 to come to an Al-Anon meeting? Isn’t it worth 10 minutes a day for reading the Al-Anon books that tell us what we can do to help ourselves, and perhaps half an hour to give a lift to an other person in trouble?
Today’s Reminder:
It takes so little time out of the week to learn how Al-Anon applies to me and my chaotic life that the changes I can bring about seem like miracles. Living the Al-Anon way is an every day program, and the more thought I give to it, the greater my rewards will be — in contentment, fulfillment and constant spiritual growth.
“Every minute I use in thinking and using the Al-Anon program makes all the hours of my week more livable.”