One Day at a Time in Al-Anon:
It’s a sad day for an Al-Anon group when its members settle down into old-timer status and the meetings are mere get-togethers for a bit of chatting and gossip.
Gone is the vitality and hope that inspired the group in the early days — gone the eager exchange of experience, strength and hope, the challenge to apply the program to every department of life. And gone is the hand of friendship that reached out to troubled people and drew them into the fold to learn about the Steps to serenity, confidence, renewed faith — all accomplished through our helping and caring.
Today’s Reminder:
I will not forget that the possibilities of this vast spiritual program are still limitless for me. I still have much to learn in it. Let me remember, too, that an Al-Anon group is a vital feature of any community; there are so many to whom it could bring hope! I will try to find them, through churches, doctors, courts and counselors — and share Al-Anon with them.
“Each day is a new adventure in Al-Anon, pointing the way to an ever-better way to live.”