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One Day at a Time in Al-Anon:

In Al-Anon we have a familiar expression: “to work the program.” It means what it says; it benefits us to exactly the degree that we work at it.

What does working the program mean? It means to attend meetings faithfully; to read some Al-Anon literature every day, and to apply what we learn to our everyday living. And very important, it means sharing with others what we are learning and using, and accepting with an open mind what they share with us.

We do not come to Al-Anon meetings to be amused, entertained or shocked with horror stories, but to discuss Al-Anon ideas — to think deeply and reflectively about what we hear and to talk constructively and clearly in order to help others.

Today’s Reminder:

I have placed my confidence in Al-Anon. I will not look to others to do my work for me while I’m “too busy” or “too tired” to do my reading and attend meetings and keep in touch with my fellow members. Al-Anon can do much for me, but I must help, too.

“I pray to be freed from indifference. I need a strong conviction that Al-Anon, too, has the most to give to those who really want to help themselves.”

From the book “One Day at a Time in Al-Anon”. © Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 1973