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One Day at a Time in Al-Anon:

I live with an alcoholic. Whether still drinking or not, the situation calls for patience, acceptance and resolution. How do I acquire and practice these qualities? By detaching myself emotionally from the problems I encounter each day. Or, to put it another way, by not allowing myself to become involved emotionally.

This is not easy. I will try to be more objective and not to take personally everything that is said or done. I will read every piece of literature I can find on Al-Anon, so I will be better informed to re- educate my own thinking habits.

Today’s Reminder:

Each day I will review my progress in emotional detachment. What did I say that would have been better unsaid? Did my detachment take form in a discreet, friendly silence, or in reproachful sulking? Did I miss an opportunity to say a helping word at the right moment?

“I pray for the enlightenment to make my detachment loving, not cruel. Let it not be a wall between us, but a bond of mutual respect for one another’s individuality.”

From the book “One Day at a Time in Al-Anon”. © Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 1973