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One Day at a Time in Al-Anon:

Today I will examine my ideas of enjoyment, pleasure, delight. Have I grieved over the fact that my life has become empty of them? Do these satisfactions depend on parties, travel, dancing, movies, television? Do I feel deprived because I am busy with home, children, a job, so I am not free to pursue some recreation? If so, it is time I learned to enjoy the thousands of little things that occur in my daily life: a sunrise; the sound of birds; a long walk, noting all the interesting things I see; a piece of music; a good book; a charming response from a child; a moving story at an AA meeting; a small household chore perfectly performed; a beautiful meal, created by me.

Today’s Reminder:

If my eyes and heart are opened to receive new impressions, each day will be a new adventure. Even in the monotony of my life, no two days are ever the same and the differences will reveal to me a succession of fresh delights — if I am willing.

“I ask God to make me willing to see clearly my everyday experiences, to sharpen my perception of how much there is to enjoy, even in ordinary things and happenings. Let me be receptive. Restore to me my capacity for wonder.”

From the book “One Day at a Time in Al-Anon”. © Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 1973