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One Day at a Time in Al-Anon:

In Al-Anon we are often reminded that what we pray for may not be what is best for us. We are able to see only a little way, and our vision is clouded by our present situation and daily happenings and distractions.

If the problems I have to face seem beyond my endurance, I will not explain them to God; He already knows. I will not tell Him what I expect Him to do about my difficulties; He knows what is best for me. When I am faced with something which it is beyond my power to perform, to decide, or to cope with, I will not struggle with it by myself. I will ask Him to show me what steps to take. This is prayer: not to ask for anything but guidance.

Today’s Reminder:

“All true prayer somehow confesses our absolute dependence on God. It is a vital contact with Him. It is when we pray truly that we really are. From our prayers we receive light to apply…to our own problems and difficulties.”
— Thomas Merton, No Man Is an Island

“We, ignorant of ourselves,
Beg often our own harms,
Which the Wise Power
Denies us for our good; so we find profit
By losing of our prayers.”
— Shakespeare, Antony & Cleopatra

From the book “One Day at a Time in Al-Anon”. © Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 1973