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One Day at a Time in Al-Anon:

As members of an Al-Anon group, we attend meetings, keep in touch with the others, read, meditate and pray. It’s wonderful to realize that this participation also makes us part of a world-wide network of groups, all working for the same purpose: to build better lives for ourselves and those around us. Imagine the immense power for good that is generated by such a fellowship as ours.

Al-Anon members on every continent, in such faraway places as Australia, Japan, Finland, Uruguay and the South Sea Islands — all are my brothers and sisters. What I do is helping them; what they do helps me.

Nationality, race, color, religion, wealth, poverty — all these do not matter to us as members of this great loving fellowship.

Today’s Reminder:

As I talk with my hometown friends in Al-Anon, I realize that we are all part of something much bigger than our single group. I will remember, and send loving thoughts to those in our thousands of groups around the world. This exchange will enrich all of us.

“This is truly a movement of the spirit, and I firmly believe that the unity of the world, in understanding and peace, could come from these efforts…” — A member in New Zealand

From the book “One Day at a Time in Al-Anon”. © Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 1973