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One Day at a Time in Al-Anon:

When my spirit is in turmoil and my troubled thoughts race round and round, and I try to reason myself out of this frame of mind, it may be well to stop reasoning and hold fast to a single idea that speaks of quiet and serenity. One such is: Keep It Simple.

Probably there is nothing I can do now – this minute, this hour, today – to solve the problem that is gnawing at my peace of mind. Then to what purpose do I torment myself?

I will stop trying to figure out ways and means. I will not rehash, over and over, thoughts so bitter that they can make me feel physically ill. I will empty my mind of all this perplexity and hold to just one simple thought while I wait for God’s guidance.

Today’s Reminder:

The things that trouble me are often too complex to yield to human reasoning. Indeed their only reality may be in my confused thoughts. When I reach such an impasse and I remind myself to keep it simple, I will find myself being restored to composure.

“Under the shadow of Thy wing shall be my refuge until this tyranny be overpast.” — Book of Common Prayers

From the book “One Day at a Time in Al-Anon”. © Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 1973