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One Day at a Time in Al-Anon:

The simplest — and most difficult — of all our slogans is the word THINK. We seem to be thinking hard all the time, but it is mostly about our troubles, and who’s to blame for them. We can’t seem to get around to thinking about what we may be doing that damages us. One word to think about is retaliation.

Have I ever thought, in some form or other: “I’ll fix him for that!” “I’ll pay her back for what she did.” Do I seek relief from my resentment by retaliation, instead of forgiveness?

If a person hurts me without being aware of it, and I can overlook it, my reward is an inner low. If the alcohol-heated spouse expresses his self-hatred in strong language directed at me, I know it has no validity and so I can ignore it.

Today’s Reminder:

Before I take any action — or speak any hot words — I will think about what provoked me into this impulse. If I can persuade myself not to act or speak, I can quietly and inwardly rejoice that my Higher Power gave me the grace to be silent. Such constructive thinking is a fine ego-builder — just one of many.

“What shall it profit a man to be right if he thereby make an enemy?”

From the book “One Day at a Time in Al-Anon”. © Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 1973