One Day at a Time in Al-Anon:
Suppose, in taking a break from my whirling thoughts, I settle down quietly to think about the word “courtesy”. It means far more than mere politeness; you can be polite without an iota of personal love. Courtesy, on the other hand, is an expression of love, warm concern for the other person’s comfort, peace of mind and well- being. Even giving directions to a confused stranger can be an act of courtesy, if I take the trouble to be explicit and reassuring.
The practice of courtesy in the home gives us many opportunities each day to convey our love in little ways. Yet we often overlook it in routine contacts with those we love.
Today’s Reminder:
I will take every opportunity to be courteous to those nearest me, as well as those outside my orbit. The warmth and kindness of courtesy will take the sting out of resentments, and give dignity and importance to the members of my household, making them feel secure and loved.
“Courtesy makes a less troublesome game of life. Misunderstandings melt away; it gets rid of the avoidable obstructions.”