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One Day at a Time in Al-Anon:

Al-Anon meetings are full of surprises. The people who are smiling and gratefully reviewing their blessings may be the very ones who have the grimmest problems at home. Yet they have the courage to turn their minds away from them and come to Al-Anon to learn and to help others. How have they found this serenity? It must be because they do not depend on their own limited resources, but on a Power greater than themselves in Whom they have confidence. I will work toward acquiring this gift of serenity, and see to it that my actions also speak for my inward faith.

Today’s Reminder:

It is the difference in people, and not in the severity of their trials, that shows most dramatically in Al-Anon. This should prove to me that the way we approach our problems is important, however they may have overwhelmed us before we learned how to deal with them.

“With Divine help I will accept what I cannot change — with courage, composure, and good humor.”

From the book “One Day at a Time in Al-Anon”. © Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 1973