One Day at a Time in Al-Anon:
Al-Anon’s main purpose is to help those who are living in an alcoholic situation. To this end we share experience, strength and hope with each other.
What we don’t do, and should not do, is to share one another’s burdens, whether financial or emotional. Sometimes an over-eager member, impelled by a warm, friendly desire to help, will assume someone else’s responsibilities-providing necessities, lending money or advising decisive or irrevocable action.
This is not helping. We help best by inspiring people to think through and solve their own problems. Otherwise we deprive them of the opportunity to develop experience and strength from working things out for themselves.
Today’s Reminder:
I need and want the inspiration and emotional support of those in my group, but I will not lean on anyone for help. I want to face my own problems and not sidestep them. Likewise, I will not interfere with the life of anyone else, even though I am motivated only by a desire to help.
“There is danger in taking on another’s duty — danger that we may neglect our own, and that we may deprive them of what they may learn from finding their own solutions.”