One Day at a Time in Al-Anon:
Told by a member at an Al-Anon meeting: “During my first year in Al-Anon, I concentrated on changing my attitude toward the alcoholic. I learned to sidestep quarrels; I controlled my impulse to complain and scold. I worked hard on getting rid of my resentments. As our relationship improved, and he was in AA, I had less reason to feel sorry for myself. I thought I was working the program.
“But all was not well in the home. There was a constant undercurrent of minor irritations. I had gone overboard trying to distract my mind from concentrating on the alcoholic problem. Golf, bowling, bridge, reading and socializing didn’t leave me enough time and thought for my children; my house was never in order; meals were a bother. I wasn’t doing my job!”
Today’s Reminder:
“Suddenly I awoke to the fact that Al-Anon asks a lot more of us than just to cope with the problem of alcoholism. We need to apply it to all departments of living — and in the order of their importance.”
“Suddenly I awoke to the fact that Al-Anon asks a lot more of us than just to cope with the problem of alcoholism. We need to apply it to all departments of living — and in the order of their importance.”