One Day at a Time in Al-Anon:
People often marvel when they see the Al-Anon program bring about changes in the lives of those who practice it. This is its secret: that it is built on the fundamental ethical philosophy which has been known throughout the ages. It is stated in such widely different books as the Bible and the fables of Aesop.
To deal gently with our fellowman is suggested in St. Paul’s Epistle to the Ephesians: “The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, gentleness…”
The same thought appears in the fable of the wind and the sun, who challenged one another as to which could first remove the cloak of a passing traveler. As the wind blew hard and cold, the man wrapped the cloak tightly around him; then the sun shone, and its warmth made the man take off his cloak.
Today’s Reminder:
In Al-Anon this same thought is repeated in many ways that point out that we can do nothing by force or compulsion. I will remind myself not to be too determined in my judgments and actions.
“Kindness is the mightiest force in the world…”