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One Day at a Time in Al-Anon:

Again I ask myself the same question as yesterday’s: “What am I doing with what I have?” This query can be applied in many ways. Take, for instance, the faculty of being able to remember. If I have been given the gift of a good, clear memory, how do I use it?

It isn’t likely that God conferred this gift on me for the purpose of dredging up old wrongs, injured feelings, futile regrets and personal sufferings. That would clearly be a misuse of His gift, when everyone has so many pleasant and satisfying things to remember.

Today’s Reminder:

What am I doing with this precious ability to recall what happened in the past? If I use it to remember enjoyments and interesting experiences, it will give me a saving perspective on the problems I am encountering in the here and now. I can also use the gift of memory for storing up today’s blessings to tide me over future woes.

Let not thy thoughts dwell upon the days of thy sorrows, but rather on those which brought thee brightness and peace.”

From the book “One Day at a Time in Al-Anon”. © Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 1973