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One Day at a Time in Al-Anon:

Even when I find myself growing in understanding of Al-Anon, and can see tangible results from my new attitudes, I might question such a statement as this: “Al-Anon is a way to personal freedom.”

Enmeshed in a difficult family situation, we doubt we can ever be free from all this woe and care. When we think how closely our lives are intertwined with others, we’re sure that personal freedom is impossible.

The key word is personal. We can free ourselves from many involvements that seem necessary. In Al-Anon we can learn to develop our own personalities, to reinforce our personal freedom by leaving others free to control their actions and destinies.

Today’s Reminder:

Personal freedom is mine for the taking. No matter how close are the ties of love and concern that bind me to my family and friends, I must always remember that I am an individual, free to be myself and live my own life in serenity and joy.

“When I know I am free within myself, I will be better able to give loving thought to others.”

From the book “One Day at a Time in Al-Anon”. © Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 1973