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One Day at a Time in Al-Anon:

Today let’s review some of the sayings of an Al-Anon founder: “Smugness is the very worst sin of all, I believe. It is difficult for a shaft of light to pierce the armor of self-righteousness.”

“Many of the things I thought I did unselfishly turned out to be pure rationalizations to get my own way about something. This disclosure doubled my urge to live by the Twelve Steps as thoroughly as I could.”
“In the early days I was deeply hurt that someone else had brought my husband to sobriety, when I could not. Now I have learned that a wife can rarely, if ever, do this job. I found no peace of mind until I recognized this fact.”

“The word ‘humbly’ was one I never understood. It used to seem servile. Today it means seeing myself in true relation to my fellowman and to God.”

Today’s Reminder:

“It is easy to fool oneself about motives, and admitting it is hard, but very beneficial.”

“Bargaining with God and asking Him to grant my wishes is not the highest form of prayer. It is very different from praying only for knowledge of God’s will for me…”

From the book “One Day at a Time in Al-Anon”. © Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 1973