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One Day at a Time in Al-Anon:

Some of us, after long enduring misfortunes we didn’t know how to cope with, reached a breaking point. In our hopelessness we even felt rejected by God, so we never thought of turning to Him for help.

A wonderful thing about Al-Anon is that we are encouraged to renew our faith in a Power greater than ourselves. We may have thought we were beaten, but we had merely forgotten that God has given us the strength and the means to hold up our heads and live. We learn once more to identify ourselves with the Divine Principle that rules us all.

Today’s Reminder:

The sure knowledge that God is always with me, and expresses Himself through me, will guide me in every difficulty. This is the source of confidence and strength that will help me to face life in an entirely new way. His help will make possible a wholesome detachment from the problems that do not belong to me.

“Let me add a spiritual dimension to my life; then I will never be alone in dealing with whatever troubles may appear.”

From the book “One Day at a Time in Al-Anon”. © Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 1973