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One Day at a Time in Al-Anon:

Somewhere along the line, in our study of the Al-Anon program, we reach a sharp realization of the growth-value of honesty and candor. When this happens, one of the first things we are able to admit is that our behavior, like that of the alcoholic, has been far from sane and reasonable. When we can do this, without shame or embarrassment, we seem to break free of a hampering shell.

This is progress, but let’s not imagine that Al-Anon has done all it can for us. We have reached a plateau; there are still more heights to climb, to reach serenity and a full life.

Today’s Reminder:

If ever I come to the complacent conclusion that I don’t need Al- Anon any longer, let me remind myself that it can do far more than to carry me through the anguish of living with the problems of alcoholism. I know I can make even greater strides in fulfilling myself, for Al- Anon is a philosophy, a way of life; I will never outgrow the need for it.

“Once I have overcome the problems that first brought me into this fellowship, I am confident that my continuing search for spiritual understanding will yield ever richer benefits.”

From the book “One Day at a Time in Al-Anon”. © Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 1973