One Day at a Time in Al-Anon:
I try to be grateful when others in my group suggest changes in my attitude toward this or that problem. “Detach from it,” advises one. “Try to get a perspective on things,” says another. “Don’t say anything when you’re angry” – “Keep the First Step in mind…”
This is good counsel, but mighty hard to put into practice when you’re face-to-face with a crisis. So I will give myself another bit of advice: “Don’t blame yourself when you fail; just keep trying. You know you’re improving – your Al-Anon friends can see it, even if you’re too close to the problems to be aware that you’re growing. Everything you hear at meetings, every bit of Al-Anon reading, supports your efforts to do a little better next time.”
Today’s Reminder:
The most helpful of all reminders is the old slogan Easy Does It. When I can’t accomplish all I’d like to, when I’m confronted with reverses and nothing seems to work right, l’II just remember Easy Does It. Somehow it guides me into a less hectic frame of mind. Changing to a more comfortable rhythm smooths out the bumps.
“When I’m trying too hard to change things, when I forget to let go—when I demand too much, too soon, of myself and others, ask God to remind me that Easy Does It.”