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One Day at a Time in Al-Anon:

A member whose husband had recently joined A was recounting her current experiences: “He doesn’t go to enough meetings to keep him sober. I noticed that the level of the Scotch was a little below the mark I had made on the bottle. He doesn’t want me to go to AA meetings with him, but I go anyway; I have to see how this AA works.”

Another member answers: “You’re treating him like a baby in a playpen – watching him perform – deciding what he ought to be doing. Who put you in charge of your husband? Why do you think you know what’s right for him? Accept the fact that he’s trying, and let him find his sobriety in his own way.”

Today’s Reminder:

It’s sometimes a shock to have our thinking errors pointed out to us, but I must always remember that in Al-Anon the motive is loving and helpful.

If I’m on the wrong track, I want to know it so I can correct my faulty attitude. Others can often see our problems more clearly than we can, and from that we get our best help.

“Teach me to think straight, and not to take offense at criticism which is meant as loving guidance.”

From the book “One Day at a Time in Al-Anon”. © Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 1973