One Day at a Time in Al-Anon:
No matter what the problems are that we’re trying to cope with, a major source of frustration is trying to encompass too much at once. We forget that we need to deal with only one day at a time, and try to crowd too much into the waking hours of that day — or we even extend it beyond the point of weariness. We can get more out of each hour — and accomplish more — if we try to cope with only as much as is possible in that one day.
We find such relaxed — and relaxing — counsel in the helpful little folder, Just for Today, which gives us, among others, the following:
Today’s Reminder:
“Just for today I will live through this day only, and not tackle all my problems at once. I can do something for twelve hours that would appall me if I felt I had to keep it up for a lifetime.”
I will slow my pace. If I am under pressure and setting myself deadlines and worrying about tomorrow, I will stop for a few minutes and think — of just this one day and what I can do with it.
“For there is a time…for every purpose and for every work.”
— Ecclesiastes