One Day at a Time in Al-Anon:
There are those who come to Al-Anon weighed down by an unbearable problem. They expect that it can be solved by human means alone, but they soon learn that the help they get is provided by human beings acting as channels for the love and wisdom of a Higher Power.
Perhaps they have never had the security and comfort of a living faith; often they have lost what faith they once had because of misfortunes that have befallen them. They may feel that God has been cruel and unfair, that He is not concerned with them and their burdens. Some, in utter despair, actually think they are not worthy of God’s care.
Today’s Reminder:
Divine help is always near and available to me — if I am willing to accept it. Active consciousness, at all times, of “not my will, but Thine, be done” will work out every difficulty.
“Short arm needs man to reach to Heaven, So ready is Heaven to stoop to him.”
— Francis Thompson, Grace of the Way