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One Day at a Time in Al-Anon:

One reason we go to Al-Anon is to learn about alcoholism. We learn that it is an illness which could end in physical, mental and spiritual bankruptcy. We also learn that there is no known cure, but that sobriety is possible through the healing help of AA — when the alcoholic is ready. We learn that our own reactions to the alcoholic situation have not been reasonable; we, too, went downhill. We learn that an honest appraisal of ourselves will open the way to improvement and start us on the upward climb to sanity and serenity. Reading Al-Anon literature and exchanging experiences and ideas with our Al-Anon friends will give us strong support in this effort.

Today’s Reminder:

To live the Al-Anon way can lead to such contentment as we have never before experienced. To those of us who earnestly use the program, it offers the richest of benefits. It ie a learning process that works best for those who approach it with willingness and humility.

“I ask God to make me willing to learn how to live more fully, through the light which I can find in Al-Anon.”

From the book “One Day at a Time in Al-Anon”. © Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 1973