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One Day at a Time in Al-Anon:

So much of what there is to learn in Al-Anon has to do with discovering myself — the real person I am. One Greek philosopher said simply: “Know thyself” — another: “We would have inward peace, but will not look within.”

Complete self-knowledge is impossible, but the “looking within” will open our eyes to many possible improvements. It is difficult because we’re afraid we won’t like what we see, and we may have misgivings about being able to change ourselves. Yet what we may find when we look within may be quite a surprise package — all those many good qualities tucked away under heavy layers of guilt.

Today’s Reminder:

Our greatest handicap is self-deception. We cannot recognize in ourselves the faults we criticize in others.

If I could only foresee what an inspiring experience it is to search out the real me, I would not hesitate. The first step, after all, is to be completely honest in our search.

“If I knew what I was really like, chances are I’d like myself much better than I do.”

From the book “One Day at a Time in Al-Anon”. © Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 1973